From the 9th until the 13th of May, 2022, University of Economics, in Katowice has hosted  in the third Intensive Programme of the  Erasmus + project, Experiential education. Interactive/ /Intensive course of European brand management (brandY). 

The event reunited teachers from prestigious  European universities, such as  Université Savoie Mont  Blanc (France),), Universitaria San Pablo-CEU- Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera (Spain), Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen Howest (Belgium), Haute École Specialisée de Suisse Occidentale (Switzerland) who monitored  24 students from Budapest Business School, Howest University of Applied Sciences, Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, Università degli studi di Trento,  University of Economics in Katowice (Poland).

For five days, teachers and students contributed to the development of an e-learning platform meant to provide an interactive experience to the users and allow students to perform educational tasks around brand management.

The practical activities have been complemented by several theoretical lectures delivered by the teachers from which we select:

  • Lecture on the purpose of the platform (Marta Grybś-Kabocik & Sławomir Smyczek)
  • Branding from a business POV (Judit Papp & Francisco Suay Perez)
  • Workshop IT and Business (Thijs Martens & Frédéric Vlummens)
  • Branding from a business POV (Francisco Suay Perez)

In international teams, the participating students have worked hard in order to apply the theoretical input onto the IT platform, creating activities and solving problems. In the end, each team presented, in front of their peers and the panel of teachers, their reports on the entire session, identifying their strengths and weaknesses, providing ways of solving the tasks and showing their ingenuity in providing solutions.

The final outcome was a very complex package of good experience, of sharing ideas, of harmonizing the problems with solutions, within an international framework. 

All in all, the IP activities and workshops provided the necessary resources and information for the design of a virtual platform as an instrument of teaching/learning the brand management within an international framework.

“The European Commission is not responsible for the content of this publication”
“More information about the Erasmus+ programme:“.
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