The University of Trento was founded in 1962 and has always aimed at building alliance and reciprocal efficiency with Italian and foreign institutions and organizations. In 1982, the University (until then private) became public, with a statute that guaranteed self-government.
The Milan Agreement, signed in 2009 between the Government and the Autonomous Province of Trento (together with that of Bolzano and the Regional Authority), regarding the change to the special Statute of autonomy on financial regulations, gave the Province new authority over the University. This is a further step forward in the development of the University and guarantees that the financial resources will be allocated and sufficient.
There are more than 16,000 students, about 600 professors and researchers and the same number of technical and administrative staff: these numbers indicate that the University can provide an ideal environment for study and research.

Italo Trevisan – Associate professor in International Management, Università di Trento, Trento, Italy and Honorary
Professor in Management, Ural State University of Economics (USUE), Yekaterinburg, Russia
He graduated in Political Sciences from the University of Padua, Italy, and holds a post-graduate
degree (M.A. Pol. St.) from the University of Cape Town (South Africa). He was also awarded an
honorary doctorate from USUE.
After working in the family business and at CUEIM (a research centre linked to the University of
Verona), he took a position as Researcher/junior lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, University of
Trento. Since then he continued his activity at the same Faculty, teaching various subjects in the
areas of Marketing and Management. He was Visiting Professor at various universities including
Baltic Business School, Linnaeus University, Kalmar campus, Sweden; IMUS, Université de
Savoie, Annecy, France; Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa; University of
the West of Scotland, Hamilton campus, UK, Seinäjoen Ammattikorkeakoulu Business School,
Seinäjoki, Finland; Univesidade Saõ Tomás de Moçambique, Maputo, Mozambique; Ural State
University of Economics, Yekaterinburg, Russia.
He was in the management units of various joint programmes, in particular the joint degree
European Master in Business Studies [EMBS – Università di Trento (I), Université de Savoie (F),
Universität Kassel (D) and Universidad de León (E)];
Joint European Master in Comparative Local Development [CoDe – Università di Trento (I),
Corvinus University of Budapest (H), University of Ljubljana (SLO) and Universität Regensburg
(D)]; (was Academic Director 2011-2013 and again in the management team until until the closure
of the programme in 2023)]; and
Joint African Master Programme (JAMP) on local development [Università di Trento; Tshwane
University of Technology, Pretoria (ZA); Polytechnic of Namibia, Windhoek (NAM), Universidade
São Tomás de Moçambique, Maputo (MOC)] (from 2005 Adjunct Academic Director until the
closure of the programme in 2013).
He participated in many European projects, the most recent of which are BrandY (Experiential
education. Interactive/Intensive course of European brand management), Consume Aware
(Enhancing Quality in Innovative Higher Education About Consumer Awareness), MARCIEE
(Marketing Communication Innovativeness of European Entrepreneurs), NetAware (InterNET
advanced promotional tools application for increasing AWAREness of social exclusions
He was (2010-2013) President of the Dukenet network (a network of fourteen European
He is the author of various publications in the fields of marketing, internationalisation and
entrepreneurship. His research interests include: the internationalisation process of SMEs; cross-
cultural management; SMEs and entrepreneurship; SMEs and local development.
Recipient of Erasmus Mundus scholarship awards.