With faculties and research areas such as Architecture and Urbanism, Civil Engineering, Art and Design and Media, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has a distinctive identity. Today the University offers an extensive spectrum of instruction with about 40 courses of study, including fine art, design, visual communication, media design, media studies, computer science, architecture, civil engineering, materials science, processing technology, environment and management. The term »Bauhaus« stands for an eagerness to experiment, openness, creativity and internationality.
Jutta Emes has held the Chair for Marketing & Media Research at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar since 2010. From 2014 to 2022 she had the parallel position of Vice President, from 2022 to 2023 she was Interim President of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Previously, Jutta Emes was Substitute Professor for International Management at the Bundeswehr University Munich as well as Professor of Marketing Management at Steinbeis University Berlin. She was also a lecturer for International Marketing and Entrepreneurial Marketing at the University of Liechtenstein, and a Visiting Professor at the Chair of Marketing at the University of Kassel. She received her doctorate in 1998 at the University of Wuerzburg with the topic “Market Entry Strategies in Central and Eastern Europe”. In 2004 she qualified as Professor at the University of Wuerzburg with the topic “Sources of profit in the music industry: value creation potentials and changes in the industry due to digitalization”. Since April 2016, Jutta Emes has been a member of the Board of Directors (Verwaltungsrat) of Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR), Leipzig.
Timo Janson is a research asscociate and phd student at the chair for „Marketing and Media Research” at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in Germany. I teach courses in consumer behavior, market research and applied statistics, mainly in the Master Programme „Media Management”. My dissertation deals with the brand management of music artists in the context of the digitised music economy, in which I use theories such as identity-based brand management, human brands/personal branding, brand experience & customer journeys.
Maria Rauch, M.Sc., is a research associate and PhD candidate at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany, at the Chair of Marketing and Media. After graduating her Master in Business Administration and Bachelor in Media Communication and Economic Sciences, working in Germany and abroad in Marketing in several industries, she joined the Chair of Marketing and Media, contributing in the fields of Market Research and Digital Marketing at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
Jonas Steffl is a Ph.D. candidate and research associate at the Chair of Marketing and Media Research in the Media Management Department at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Germany). His research and teaching focus on brand management, marketing, and innovation.